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Slipping on a pair of smart glasses can give you superpowers in the workplace, superimposing procedural guides and operational data directly where you need it. Extended Reality (XR) can teach you in minutes all you need to know for complex, knowledge-intensive tasks, such as how to service the nose-wheel of an airplane, how to operate an ultrasound machine to obtain a healthcare diagnosis, or how to check and service a self-driving vehicle.

The MirageXR SOLUTIONS are the flagship products of WEKIT ECS, developed in response to real market needs, in consultation with industry and relevant communities, and based on state of the art research. MirageXR SOLUTIONS offer an all-in-one XR framework that is flexible and customisable for a broad range of industry and sector needs.

The MirageXR COMMUNITY EDITION (CE) is the is the B2B Open Source solution of the MirageXR platform. This reference implementation of an XR training system for complex work environments is offered ‘as is’ for the XR developer community to use, update, and further develop.

The MirageXR SOLUTIONS enable experts and learners to share experience via XR and wearables using ghost tracks, in-situ feedback, and anchored instruction. They offer six unique value adding features that are hard to emulate:

In-situ authoring and experience capture – reducing the time and resourcing for the production of training content. MirageXR offers a tool for creating content directly in XR, cheap and efficiently. It allows both the placing of previously imported media content into physical spaces (and into step-by-step guides) and the ability to create content while performing tasks (e.g., ghost track).

Experiential approach – MirageXR implements an experiential learning approach. Trainees can follow a sequence of three phases: performing a learning task (guided by a holographic expert), reviewing their own performance, and performing the same or a similar task again.
Real-time visualisation and feedback – holographic representation of the expert reconstructed from the captured data (‘ghost track’) and embedded in the physical workplace, including body position, gaze direction, gestures, and voice.

Open standards and architecture – The MirageXR core is adaptable to different platforms, IoT sensors, and wearables to suit the training needs of any organisation. It implements the IEEE P1589-2020 standard for augmented reality learning experience models, which allows for the automated extraction and transformation of content from legacy systems (such as, e.g., an Oasis DITA or S1000D compliant technical documentation system) – compatible with an ecosystem of tools, future proofing your content, to the highest, approved standard.

Open architecture as an agile testbed, gives early access to trending features and tools. Performance analysis can be prepared from the measured data, stored via the interface with the IEEE Experience API (xAPI). MirageXR supports established Cognitive Science research methodologies such as cognitive task analysis to predict or identify errors or suggest improved or corrective practice.

Scientifically validated method – the MirageXR Open Source core is based on project results of the Horizon 2020 project WEKIT, validated in two waves with over 550 participants in pilot trials in medicine, aviation, and space.

MirageXR provides enhanced, location-based experience for learners with the promise to get access to expert knowledge faster, better, and more engaging than ever before. Better engagement means more effective education and training which translates real social and economic benefits to the market.

MirageXR has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the XR4ALL project with grant agreement No 825545, through the OpenReal project funded by The Open University of the UK, and through the ARETE project with the grant agreement No 856533.

Address: Suite 17, The Cubes Offices, Beacon South Quarter, Sandyford, Dublin, 18, Ireland

© WEKIT Experience Capturing Solutions Ltd. 2024

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