MirageXR Enterprise

Our flagship product, MirageXR, is built for customization, enabling us to fit you with a tailored holographic experience capturing solution that reflects your workforce strategy and responds to your specific training and business needs.

Pricing MirageXR


Community Edition

Standard Enterprise

Premium Enterprise

Learning and Performance Analytics

This premium feature offers secure collection of learning and performance data, storage, and presentation for further analysis. Managers and trainers can use these analytics and the fine-grain behavioural data for monitoring, assessment, or certification. Implementing the Experience API technology stack.

Experience API (xAPI)

The Learning and Performance Analytics are powered by IEEE xAPI, an emerging standard for collecting a wide range of experiences a person can have (online and offline) – across apps and devices. Connected systems securely communicate by capturing and sharing this stream of activities using xAPI’s simple vocabulary

xAPI profile

We will build an xAPI application profile for you that is tailored to your needs. We develop custom MirageXR performance tracking technology for you to monitor behaviour, context, and outcomes relevant to your organization, building a solution for you that extends your business intelligence into the real world.

Learning Record Store

The Learning Record Store is a premium feature for storing your learning and performance analytics data securely. Managers and trainers in your organization access powerful custom dashboards to gain deep insight into your workforce or your training cohorts.


MirageXR Enterprise uses LearningLocker, the award-winning open-source Learning Record Store. Your MirageXR Enterprise LRS stores activity statements about your users, generated from their real-world interaction based on the IEEE xAPI standard. LearningLocker is the world’s most installed solution for this purpose.

Spatial offline and online activity in MirageXR

We will install and configure a dedicated, secure, privacy-sensitive Learning Record Store that will store both spatial data collected offline together with tailored online activity data.

Data Repository

The data repository hosts the learning record store. MirageXR apps connect to this cloud repository to save and retrieve analytics data.

Secure hosting and administration

We will set up a dedicated, secure, privacy-sensitive server for your organization (like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure Cloud, Google Cloud, or other Kubernetes-compliant) so that you have full control, GDPR-compliance, and ownership of your data and analytics.

Content Repository

The content repository is a secure cloud storage for training content. MirageXR apps connect to this cloud repository to retrieve and save the content. To manage the content, we use the learning management system Moodle and the IEEE ARLEM plugin.

ARLEM standard

ARLEM is an IEEE Standard for Augmented Reality Learning Experience Model. It describes interactions between the physical world, the user, and digital information in holographic training https://standards.ieee.org/standard/1589-2020.html.


Moodle is a free and open-source learning management system (LMS). Moodle is the most popular LMS in the world with over 200 million users https://moodle.org/.

Secure hosting and administration

We will set up a dedicated, secure, privacy-sensitive repository for your organization (e.g., Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure Cloud, Google Cloud, or other Kubernetes-compliant) so that you have full control, GDPR-compliance, and ownership of your content.

Enterprise Identity Management

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication scheme that allows a user to log in with a single ID and password to several software systems.

OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect is an open standard and authentication protocol that allows users to be authenticated by cooperating sites using a third-party identity provider service, allowing users to log into multiple unrelated websites without having to have a separate identity and password for each.
OpenID Connect is an interoperable authentication protocol .

Login with your own organisational credentials

We will set up a secure SSO solution for your organization so that the users can login to MirageXR apps and repositories with their organizational username and password.
We use OpenID Connect as a default solution for single sign-on.

Interfacing with your enterprise ecosystem

MirageXR Enterprise is built for customisation, enabling us to fit you with a tailored solution that reflects your workforce strategy and responds to your specific training and business needs at optimal cost benefit. Our software is modular with APIs enabling enterprise interoperability. We can interface, for example, with your enterprise human capital management systems. Examples for management platforms are OpenLDAP, Oracle Enterprise Manager, SAP Success Factors, Salesforce, TeamDrive, Moodle, NextCloud (Open Source).

Enterprise System Integration for Training

We will provide you with an enterprise-grade MirageXR integration plan. We will build an interface with enterprise systems that are used at your organization, for example, repositories of content and documents. This will allow importing your existing content using it in MirageXR apps.

Branding and Customization

We will customise your personalised MirageXR Enterprise version to suit your brand and image. We can build apps for the desired target platforms for you (iOS, Android, Windows), fitting app name, logo, sponsor screen, color scheme to your corporate identity.


Maintenance and Support

MirageXR Enterprise apps are provided with flexible maintenance and support services.

Remote technical support

We deliver remote technical support live during the training period, so that your trainees can quickly resolve any difficulties using the MirageXR apps.

Software Maintenance

We provide flexible software maintenance according to a service-level agreement, depending on the needs of your organization. This may, for example, include a response to all requests within 24 hours.

Service-level agreement

A service-level agreement is a commitment between a service provider and a client that clarifies the quality of the service, availability, and responsibilities.
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